Dress Rehersal

Today I was sitting around and decided to do a full blog session using the new portable.  I had gotten all the photos off the old system in the last few days and imported into the program.  Not all the pictures, which are on other drives, but it did go back to 2013.

Since it was more spur-of-the-moment, the only cat around was Rhea, who had been sitting on my lap a little and hanging out nearby.   Davout was watching the cat door to the garage, which he does if someone is out there a lot of the time.

Rhea is very amusing with the backscratcher claw.  She will go for it, but very slowly and deliberately.  Almost in slow motion.

It went all right.  With time I can probably use presets to apply the standard color changes to the photos when I import them.  They did have some special settings for the lens on my camera, although I didn’t see a lot of visual impact from them.

Paw to claw.

The cats might prefer me keeping on using the current desk as the workspace.  Rhea and Sherman and even Davout have come up at times while I’ve been using it and poked about and napped on the tabletop.

About Oldcat

Engineer with Cats
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3 Responses to Dress Rehersal

  1. Bitsy says:

    I had to chuckle over the second photo, but the last one melts my heart!


    • Oldcat says:

      That’s one of the most charming thing about cats – one moment they are goofy or ferocious and another they can be elegant and dignified, and finally they can be cute as a button. All in one package.


  2. some of the oddest things garner the most attention.


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