Anna Exposed

Anna in Jail

I thought I’d try to repeat bringing Anna out for some time downstairs, but use the fixed cage I got a while back rather than the floppy one Rhea liked to jump on.

It was fairly good for a while, as Rhea poked around in Anna’s room upstairs rather than stalk her.


Anna did do a bit of hissing when one of the cats got too close, just for form’s sake.  Sherman got the most since he hung about near her much of the time.

Rhea did put in an appearance and charged the cage, but it was only a little noisy.  She was a bit riled up but worked off the tension by a friendly game of chase with Grant.

Innocent Rhea

Anna was fairly calm most of the time when Rhea was not around.  After Anna went back into the room the others collected for a 4 way simultaneous washing.

Synchronized Baths

Grant follows with a back paw wash.

About Oldcat

Engineer with Cats
This entry was posted in Anna Comnena, General Grant, General Sherman, Rhea Silvia and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Anna Exposed

  1. Johnny says:

    Oh Anna! I sure hope you stop hissing soon !


  2. sarledge1 says:

    Poor little girl! Wish she could get along with the rest of the fur kids. How sad that she has to be alone most of the time.


  3. anna…..we getz a face just like that when we see …BURD….

    🙂 ♥♥


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