Practice Post

It is past time that I start using my new portable – things just seem to take a long time on my current one that is getting old.  I also need to get a new card for the camera or offload the files from the current one since it takes my current photo software a long time to scan through it.

What complicates things even more is that Picasa, the free photo software I have used is well past dead.  Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be a clear successor.  I ended up picking Cyberlink Photo Director 9.  It is a paid program rather than a free one, and has lots of crazy photo editing features that I likely won’t use much.  But other programs that cost more seemed not to have simple watermarking and size reduction, which is most of what I need for the blog.

Picasa managed to autodetect the background color and pick a white text / black text automagically.  This one doesn’t seem to do that, so I may have to live with bad contrast or make two kinds of watermarks and do that manually.  It does have crazy options for graphic, and partial opacity.

These pictures are from 2013, among the earliest on the old hook or by crook.  I don’t have all the pictures on any one machine, although a version of all pictures is on Google Photos at least.  This program also has its own cloud storage option with some reserved storage that would be at full resolution.

Well, I’ll likely figure it out eventually, but I really should get to where I can use the faster machine sooner rather than later.

Posted in Calpurnia, Julius Caesar | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Grant and Wideband

I’ve gotten a few comments about Grant’s coloring – shaded golden.  Not the most perfect golden by breeder rules, but striking nonetheless.  The first thing you need to see is that he’s a tabby cat to start with.  He’s also a British Shorthair.

It is a bit more apparent when looking at this kitten picture of his from the breeder.  There are more visible stripes and more black stripes than he has now.  From what I’ve seen of golden kittens, at birth he would have been much more like a standard tabby in looks.

Tabby cats have two kinds of hairs – solidly colored ones that form the stripes, and agouti hairs that have horizontal bands that when overlapped make a contrasting lighter pattern, like the black and white intermixed dots that make grey shading on old newsprint.

Tabbies have another variation – the undercolor.  The base color of the hair, near the skin, can have a contrasting orange-yellow pigment placed on it – called rufousing.  Tabbies with strong rufousing have a brown to gold base color.  These are called brown tabbies.  Cats with low rufousing appear grayish.

Anna is a tabby with very very strong rufousing.  Almost everywhere she appears gold or brown.  Julius was less so….

You can see the brown on the nose, cheeks and behind the ears.  The front legs much less so, the back and sides even less, while the stomach was very gold brown.  Still a brown tabby, though.

There is another gene, called Wideband, that has the effect of “pushing” the tabby pattern out toward the tip of the hair, removing most or all of the pattern.  If the cat has a lot of rufousing, the overall color becomes the gold-brown.

(Not my picture or my cats – just too lazy to avoid the watermark.)

This is a picture of the famous cats Smoothie and Milkshake.  These are British Longhairs – British Shorthairs with long hair.  This came about because of the difficulties of England in World War II and the decade or so afterward with rationing.  The gene pool for British Shorthair cats was almost wiped out, so the breed needed to be saved by mixing in Persians.  This put some ‘undesired’ long haired genes in the breed.

Smoothie is shaded golden like Grant, but with long hair.  Compare her to Anna, if the tabby pattern was pushed out and off the hair almost entirely.  Yet there are still a few places where the black pattern remains – the tail tip, the bottom of the paws, perhaps the tips of other hairs.

Milkshake is a chinchilla or shaded silver.  This requires one more gene – one that blanks out all of the underpigment of rufousing leaving it pure white.  The remnants of the black pattern on the tips gives a silver look.

I expect that Grant is mostly done developing his coat toward a more pure golden.  He likely will have hazy black tipping across his sides and paws, and some actual stripes on the spine and tail.  The shaded gold also seems to give a distinct green eye color that he also has, although not as spectacular as Smoothie has.

The golds and silvers also seem to be smaller than average.  Grant seems to be topping off at 8 pounds like the Minuets/Napoleons, rather than the 10-12 pounds of a normal BSH.

Posted in Anna Comnena, General Grant | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

Weekend Update

The tooth gap is healing up fine, less a bit of tenderness if bitten on.  Still a bit tired on and off but I’ve been taking it easy.  Usually there’s one or more cats about with me.

Grant can have the strangest looks.

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Posted in Cats, General Grant, General Sherman, Marshal Davout, Rhea Silvia | 3 Comments


Well, the tooth extraction went fine.  Aside from the drugs, it isn’t that much different than the old set of pliers, but it was fast.  And the socket isn’t as twingey as the broken tooth.

It does seem that the pain meds, supposedly the kind to make you sleepy and unable to operate machinery, instead kept me wide awake all night.  I went in to work without taking more and didn’t have a big pain issue and had a little nap just now but I’m still tired.

I’m reusing some queued up pictures today.  Not much new has been going on.  Rhea has been doing more playing with the Generals, daring them to chase her about.

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Posted in Cats, General Grant, General Sherman, Marshal Davout, Rhea Silvia | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Outdoors Again

I was back home early today.  I had some dental work planned, but the plans changed as the whole tooth was broke and needs to be ripped out tomorrow.

After I got back there was daylight for a little visit out by the cats.

Rhea was the bold one going out front.  Sherman did explore the wall line in the pool area, even getting behind the vines climbing the wall at one point.

Davout was busy keeping an eye on everyone.

He thinks Rhea needs to get back here where it is safer.

Posted in Marshal Davout, Rhea Silvia | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Back Scratcher

The other day I picked up a back scratcher for a few dollars at the drug store.  I thought it might help me get a little more contact with the wild cat Grant.  I have had several skittish cats, but he’s different.  He isn’t afraid of being held, it makes him angry.  Even when he is up on a shelf he flinches away.

So far he has put up with the touch a little bit, and he and all the others are interested in playing with the tip like a cat toy.

Sherman likes it too.

Grant the Lion Cub.

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Posted in General Grant, General Sherman, Marshal Davout, Rhea Silvia | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

Visiting Anna

Took the camera up during the visit with Anna today.  She’s chipper enough, although she did go nose to nose with Grant a week or so back and hissed at him.  These days she a bit more mild mannered.

Grant comes up to the doorway, but then retreats to this safe basket down the hall for protection.  i don’t use it much for laundry, but keep it around for this,  I got it when I went to college in 1970, it has little tooth marks from various kittens on the rim.

Despite being the bogeyman for Grant and Davout, Anna is no braver and retreats to her shelftop and watches anxiously down the hall.  At least there’s no hissing at nothing.


Luckily Rhea was too sleepy to cause any showing up.

Posted in Anna Comnena, General Grant, Rhea Silvia | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Small Fry Memories

The other day this picture showed up in one of those photo app notifications from 4 years ago when Rhea was just a kitten.  She doesn’t seem that much different until you realize that the object she is under is about 2 inches high.

This was when Gus spent a lot of time hanging out with the kittens, despite his near 17 year age.

…at that time a normal carrier was like a huge room.

And small boxes had plenty of room for two.

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Posted in Cats, General Sherman, Gustavus Adolphus, Marshal Davout, Rhea Silvia | 11 Comments

Relaxing Boys

Casual Davout

Davout posing, looking handsome.


Sherman grabbing for the camera strap.

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Posted in Cats, General Grant, General Sherman, Marshal Davout | Leave a comment

Outside Time

I had an Amazon delivery today out front so I let the cats out to explore a bit.  Not surprisingly, Rhea who is a bit of a pro was bolder, but Sherman had almost as much interest.  There were people moving around across the cul-de-sac that the bolder cats watched from behind the little rise there.  Davout is less sure about things, but responsibly kept an eye on things.

Earlier they were a bit more ‘slinky’ and low to the ground while they scoped things out.

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Posted in Cats, General Grant, General Sherman, Marshal Davout, Rhea Silvia | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments